By analyzing the trends almost every content writing Agency in India has followed recently, it leads to some very interesting methods that point at improved ROI. You should try following these tactics – 1. ESTABLISHING AN UP-TO-DATE AUTHORITY: The market is changing repeatedly, and people today invest time on the internet to acquire knowledge on various topics. These can extend from fashion and sports to politics and health remedies. Your content has to be broad and authoritative while also providing interesting information. Using website content writing services in Mumbai , blend content with the purpose of offering extensive knowledge to the readers without having them visit different websites for a single topic.   2. INTEGRATING AI IN YOUR STRATEGY: Artificial Intelligence will soon be driving content marketing. In the near future, marketers will be using acquire data for the creation of customized content for their targeted audience. Businesses, with the assist of AI data, will

Internet marketing psychology- principles that influence consumer behavior

 It is essential to be well aware of consumer behavior to get great possible results from your marketing efforts. If you know what makes a consumer choose the particular product and that too from your company instead of having many options aside, you will be better able to create a tailored campaign that boosts sales.

There are three basic marketing psychology principles that influence consumer behavior which is highly practiced by Digital Marketing agency in Mumbai. Let’s take a look at them and how you can utilize it to your advantage.

1 – Social Proof

People usually make their opinions when they see a large number of customers getting attracted towards the product. Positive reviews, user-created content, and a high number of users make much more impact, which will create a mindset of potential customers to buy from a specific brand. Social proof can also turn into an essential reason to entice such customers, which can be done by judging products based on others’ consumer experience.

2 – Scarcity

The scarcity of products in the market builds them more valuable, just like emeralds or rubies that are counted under rare ones. There is a psychology that these products would be placed for higher prices due to the perceived shortage. These make consumers more likely to buy to it while paying more because consumers don’t want to miss the chance of such a product, which may get scarce soon. You can also come up with discounts starting the last day of supply to inform customers that they need to hurry up or else the opportunity would get missed.

3 – Reciprocity

Reciprocity is just a similar feeling of giving return gifts when someone gifts you a gift. Like that, if the company provides you with free products, consumers will feel bound towards them. You can then ask your customers to fill the feedback form after consuming free sample products or ask for more information. The live and personal experience will assist them decide if they want to repurchase it in the future.


Consumer experience has much more potential to gain customer attraction if someone had left a happy review by sharing their feedback on social media. Another best tool could be a referral code which can be spread by encouraging current customers. The hashtag campaigns are even in trend as they offer people to share their photos while using the beauty products on Instagram accounts.

Crayon Infotech is a full-fledged Digital Marketing Company In Mumbai that can help you create, run, and optimize marketing campaigns to get the maximum ROI in minimum investment. Whether you want to boost sales, drive organic traffic, or boost social engagement, we have a solution for you. Contact us today!


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