By analyzing the trends almost every content writing Agency in India has followed recently, it leads to some very interesting methods that point at improved ROI. You should try following these tactics – 1. ESTABLISHING AN UP-TO-DATE AUTHORITY: The market is changing repeatedly, and people today invest time on the internet to acquire knowledge on various topics. These can extend from fashion and sports to politics and health remedies. Your content has to be broad and authoritative while also providing interesting information. Using website content writing services in Mumbai , blend content with the purpose of offering extensive knowledge to the readers without having them visit different websites for a single topic.   2. INTEGRATING AI IN YOUR STRATEGY: Artificial Intelligence will soon be driving content marketing. In the near future, marketers will be using acquire data for the creation of customized content for their targeted audience. Businesses, with the assist of AI data, will

Product Description Writing Guide!

 It wouldn’t be incorrect to say a product description is directly proportional to the number of products that sell.

Well, the better the description of a product, the greater the conversions you receive – from being a visitor to being a customer. Writing a product description requires special skills to pitch with a narrative that captures the readers’ attention and helps them to approach their requirements.

Or else, why do you think famous brands go for hiring professionals for product description writing?

Okay, let’s have a few fact checks now –

  • Does your product description address to your reader?

  • Do you address your target audience’s requirements through the description?

  • Are your product’s advantages highlighted?

  • Does your description answer questions?

  • Do you highlight its USPs?

  • Are the phrases and words used by you compelling enough?

If your answer to any one or more of these questions is a ‘no’, then you are apparently not doing it right.

So, how do you develop on the product description that you provide to your targeted readers? Well, here is a secret – professional writing partners like a content writing agency keep a few tips handy to create a product description that sells.

And yes, it’s nothing short of art with various intricacies involved and areas to ponder on!

Here’s a short and crunchy introduction of things to take care of when writing a product description.

  1. Have a fair idea of the audience you target

  2. Emphasize the benefits that it brings

  3. Have a story to tell

  4. Make use of easy-to-understand tone and language

  5. Use impactful words and phrases to improve saleability, in other words, Copywrite

  6. Make your description scan-able

  7. Don’t forget to optimize

  8. Transparency via your content is the solution– remember!

Now, let’s have a detailed look at all of the points mentioned above.

Target audience: Ensure you know who to target

Creating a saleable copy always starts with a few essential steps. Here, it’s about identifying who your potential audiences are. Or more specifically, whom to address with your product description writing.

So, the question to consider here is, do you know the buyer persona for your product/s? Well, it is a full breakdown of

  • who your buyer can be,

  • what he/she wants,

  • why did they arrive on your page,

  • which stage of the purchasing funnel they are in, and more such questions.

Another basic question you may ask yourself is what impression a reader will leave on another person when describing the same to them.

To keep you informed, a product description might play the same as a product review, but both are entirely different. So, you must not blend between the two.

The primary point to notice between these two is that they approach two different target audiences. While the former is for informing a proposed customer at the last stage of purchase, the latter addresses those who are still looking for all possible purchase options.

Hence, when writing a product description, you require to make it as precise as possible, along with highlighting the demands that it serves.

For example, you have a mobile phone as a product with a 48 MP front camera as your product’s highlight. However, it also has other likable details.

So, your target audience will not only be audiences looking for a smartphone with a high pixel camera but also with other engaging features. In that case, the focus will be on its camera pixels, but the requirements addressed will also be based on different features that a given phone carries.

Highlighting the advantages of all available specifications along with a product’s USP does two things –

  • Provides a specific buyer

  • Increases the scope of approaching the target audience

Defining your targeted audience thus takes us to the next level of a product description writing guide – emphasizing on your product’s interests.

Product’s benefits: Know which uses to focus on

From a seller’s point of view, all advantages that a product provides are valuable. Nevertheless, it is not a problem with buyers. As in, a proposed customer may not be interested to know all the benefits it provides. Instead, they would look for the use that serves their purpose best. It is where the role of a content writing company comes to the fore.

Product description writing services in Mumbai have a knack to understand a business’s target audience and the utility of products they sell. Also, with their potential for in-depth research, they address particular buyer personas that can be completed through a single product within a given limitation of words.

Expressing with precision is the key!

Companies like Content Writing are among the best professionals for product description writing services. As to why, – the genre of experience they have is wide, and they come with some of the compelling writers for a product description copy.

Not to mention, with the right advantages for the right buyer persona!

– Tried with a story? It connects

Yes, that’s one tried and tested way to spread out to your target audience with a product description. One that turns viewers into customers!

Well, writing a good product description is about giving out all the important details relevant to a buyer. The enticing element comes in when these features are woven into words that connect to the reader at an emotional level.

As researches prove, buyer behavior is crucially affected by emotions exhibited. So, yes, if it reaches their heart, the description stands a great chance of receiving the likes of ‘add to cart’ or ‘buy now’ clicks.

The reason being, a personal, emotional impact woven into a story fills up any gaps that a potential customer may have about a product.

Another reason why this story told through product description writing relates is that it provides a scope of imagination to a reader.

Take this as an example – a story-phrased product description for an umbrella will assist the reader to imagine how they can use it in their life.

Seeking their response through a call to action (CTA) tone continues just like control to opening the door.

– Tone and language is the next breakthrough to achieve

The art of writing a product description that sells is in the tone and language of it. Yes, it requires to be free-flowing so that the language and tone are natural, easy-to-connect with the reader.

And, who else would nail it right than a content writing company with known expertise?

Hence, if you have a product description that is not reasonable to make an amateur friend understand how it will benefit him/her, it needs a fresh touch of lucidity.

– Copywriting for increased saleability

Well, that’s one code to writing product description copies that sell. Maybe you didn’t know it, but proficient copywriters use words and phrases that are impactful and compelling.

Blend it with the element of natural, conversational tone, and you have a professional, copywritten product description. It would constrain your prospective buyer to click on the ‘buy now’ tab.


Maybe you should look for a hint of professionalism to it through a content writing company?

There you are! Have your product description available in the knack of time and get the sales as and when planned for! Get set to succeed.

Reach us out for any other assistance or queries you may have!


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