By analyzing the trends almost every content writing Agency in India has followed recently, it leads to some very interesting methods that point at improved ROI. You should try following these tactics – 1. ESTABLISHING AN UP-TO-DATE AUTHORITY: The market is changing repeatedly, and people today invest time on the internet to acquire knowledge on various topics. These can extend from fashion and sports to politics and health remedies. Your content has to be broad and authoritative while also providing interesting information. Using website content writing services in Mumbai , blend content with the purpose of offering extensive knowledge to the readers without having them visit different websites for a single topic.   2. INTEGRATING AI IN YOUR STRATEGY: Artificial Intelligence will soon be driving content marketing. In the near future, marketers will be using acquire data for the creation of customized content for their targeted audience. Businesses, with the assist of AI da...

15 Pointer Blog Optimisation Checklist That Makes My Life Easier!

 Blogging is an vital part of an ideal content marketing strategy. However, more often than not, blog uploading is delegated to junior-level SEO resources. They, because of their inexperience, miss out on some important blog optimization SEO techniques.


Below is a simple checklist by Content Writing Agency for ensuring that your blogs are SEO optimized. 

On-page Keyword Checklist: 


1. Should have a primary keyword(PK) and a Secondary Keyword(SK). 

The primary keyword assists Google identify the theme of the content piece, it also makes the blog more related to the topic. A secondary keyword, on the other hand, can be a backup or an add-on to the current keyword. This keyword is just there, all backlink excercies are focused on the PK. 

2. Primary Keyword(PK) in Title

The Page Title should mandatorily have the PK and preferably at the begining of the title.

3. PK and Secondary Keyword(SK) in Description

The meta description again will follow a same rule as the title. However, it will also include a secondary keyword in it.

4. PK in URL

Simply speaking:

instead of 

5. PK in H1

This is the most crucial tag on the page and the most underestimated one. Google considers H1 tags as very important because it assumes that if you are mentioning something in the H1 tag(huge font size) of a page, your page sure as hell is related to the keyword. 

6. PK and SK in the first paragraph

Body content on the website, again, enable us to mention our keyword at multiple placements. So, one should make sure that Primary and Secondary keywords are mentioned at least once, each in the first paragraph.

7. PK repeated 1% of the times in the content

Put 1 keyword for every 100 words of content or dont take risk by over keyword stuffing article. 

8. Attempt for Search Snippet (by mentioning and answering a question briefly)

The extra effort here could give your article the controversial 0th position. All you have to do is pick a question relevant to the topic and answer the question shortly in not more than 3 sentences. 

9. Use LSI keywords

You should have to use synonyms for your keywords and you can double the keyword density to 2% and Google has no problem. Ex. Photos → Images → Pictures OR Apartments → Flats → Room etc. 

10. Add PK of some other page on this one (will be interlinked)

A sound interlinking structure requires extra effort. Yes, take the PK of some other, but related, blog and add it to the current article, interlink this keyword to the other blog and there you are creating a sound interlinking strategy. 

11. PK in Alt Tag of the Banners 

Don’t be lazy! You only have to copy-paste the keywords in the Alt Tag section while uploading a banner/image. 

12. Outlinks to relevant High Authority Websites

Google loves websites that transfer visitors to accurate information, so don’t shy away from giving out links to other websites. 

13. Highlight(make bold, italicize) important information

Help the user by highlighting through the content by doing this. It helps in case they are not in the mood to read lengthy content. 

14. At Least 2 images in a 600+ word blog

Your website is not your school’s History textbook. Texts without images are very boring. So, put at least 2 images/banners in a 600-word article.

15. Embed a Call to Action to a different page or your product.

All that struggle and no Call to Action is a crime!! End your blog with a CTA. 


By following this points you can be 100% sure that your blogs are rank worthy. The only thing stopping them from ranking then it will be good backlinks. To create good backlinks consistently, drop a line at

The Content Writing are experts in Blog writing service. We’re made up of Conent Creators, content writers, web strategists, designers, developers, project managers, analysts, and digital marketers.

We love hosting websites and writing content, sharing informational knowledge through our blog, and building custom websites that assist our amazing clients grow their businesses.


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