What is UI Design?
The “UI” stands for “user interface”. It is the graphical layout of an application. It includes the buttons users click on, the text they read, the images, sliders, text entry fields, and all other items the user interacts with. This includes screen layout, transitions, interface animations and each micro-interaction. Any type of visual element, animation or interaction must all be designed.
What Is UX Design?
UX Design is the process in which design teams use to create products that provide significant and relevant experiences to users. User experience is decided by how easy or difficult it is to interact with the user interface elements which are created by UI designers.
Here are five more benefits of UI/UX Design:
1. Customer Acquisition
Successful user experience and design provide a competitive benefit. They will likely overtake price as key brand differentiators that draw attention to new customers. Great UI/UX is more than just effective product design - it’s good business.
2. Customer Retention
By building an UI/UX designer website that’s beautiful and intuitive, more people want to use it, and more significantly, keep using it. In this digital world, customer retention is increasingly essential as competition grows with every technological advancement.
3. Lower Support Costs
A well-designed app works better. If an application is poorly designed, there will be an increased demand for training, documentation, and support later, which converts into higher costs. An app that is easy to use puts less effort.
4. Increased Productivity
Better user experience leads to productivity developments. if productivity increases over the number of users and hours of day each user is active, the financial impact is readily increased.
5. Reduces Development Time
An estimated 50% of engineering time is spent to fix errors that could have been avoided, like wrong assumptions about how users will behave, confusing navigation that causes users to get stuck, a new feature that no one wants to use.
With technology changing drastically, it’s more vital than ever for companies to embrace UI/UX design - not as a one-time event, but as a regular part of a long-term business strategy. At Crayon Infotech - UI UX agency mumbai , we're continuously honing our leveraging great design so that our customers get the business prosperity. To see how, Contact Us to request a free demo.
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